The leader of the Turks “Bagiacolors” was arrested in Athens

EYP was a huge hit with EL.AS. After exchanging information with MIT and Interpol, they found the hideout of the leader of the internationally wanted Turkish criminal organization “Baycolors” in our country, specifically in Ampelokibi, Athens. Adana trades and smuggles as intermediaries in the smuggling of drugs, weapons and migrants.

At the expense of a 29-year-old Ramadan Payakar were pending 14 arrest warrants have been issued by Turkish authoritiesA red notice was issued against him, most of them for arms and drugs and one for murder.

He was killed in a reckoning by a rival mafia organization in Turkey after his brother, who had been the head of the organization for many years.

The 29-year-old was arrested after a police operation last Friday and is being held in Korydallos prisons with international warrants against him until his extradition to Turkey is determined.

How did the Greek authorities find him?

In essence, Greek authorities found him after closely monitoring two Turks arrested in Chania last February, who were staying at a luxury villa in Tersanas Akrotiri for possessing illegal weapons and suspected of being actively involved in migrant smuggling in Crete. and Kowtos.

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Then they were released and One of the members of the criminal organization “Bagiacolors” contacted its leader in Athens. His whereabouts were thus betrayed. Later, EYP officials exchanged information with MIT Turkish intelligence officials and were briefed on the 29-year-old’s full history and the organization’s activities.

After the revelation, Turkish authorities turned in international warrants, arresting the 29-year-old. He was not found guilty of any crime in our country and ultimately unsuccessfully kept a low profile to avoid detection.

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After the news of his arrest, the governor of Atana also issued relevant statements indicating the importance Turks attach to this particular organization.

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