The Impact of Immigrants on Western Wisconsin’s Economy: Fact vs. Political Rhetoric

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Written By Richard Perdomo

This article highlights a critical conversation on immigration, focusing on the clash between political rhetoric and the reality of immigrant contributions in western Wisconsin.

Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance and U.S. Rep. Derrick Van Orden’s anti-immigrant campaign messages emphasize mass deportation despite immigrants forming a vital part of the local workforce in key industries like dairy farming and manufacturing.

Immigrants have revitalized communities facing demographic and economic decline, bringing new energy to businesses and schools.

However, politicians like Vance have spread baseless accusations, such as blaming immigrants for rural hospital closures, despite evidence that other factors like an aging population and funding issues were at fault.

The article refutes claims that immigrants burden the healthcare system, noting that they use fewer medical resources than U.S.-born citizens.

It also highlights that immigrants contribute significantly to taxes, including Medicare and Social Security, programs they cannot benefit from.

Faith leaders in Madison, Wisconsin, have spoken out against the rising tide of anti-immigrant rhetoric, emphasizing the importance of welcoming asylum seekers and immigrants.

They stress the historical experiences of marginalized groups and the shared value of embracing newcomers.

Ultimately, the article argues that many rural communities in Wisconsin, despite political fearmongering, view immigrants as a positive force, enriching both their local economies and cultures.

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