The “bloody” past of the 52-year-old member of the “revenge plot”.

A “terrorist” past “murderer”. continues in revealing the criminal past of the 52-year-old arrested by the anti-terrorist service as a member of the “revenge conspiracy”.

52-year-old S.G. was taken to the offices of the Anti-Terrorism Service on the 12th floor of Attica Security last Friday afternoon. Despite the passage of 19 years, he was in the GADA building for something more serious. It was then that he took a human life and was examined by the murderous authorities, and then he lay down!

In November 2005, a 79-year-old woman was found dead in her apartment with stab wounds to the back. What was strange to the security officers was that there were no signs of damage to the apartment and the key was found behind the door. The assailant cut the telephone cable, left the balcony door open and took the cash from a box.

Police searched the entire apartment complex on Evripidou Street, while also taking statements from the residents of the apartment building. Knowing that the old lady lived alone, they asked if anyone was visiting her. But little did anyone know… A police officer who was taking statements noticed that the tenant in the next apartment was a bit worried and seemed agitated. His intuition was not wrong… Today’s “terrorist” was the “murderer” of 2005, after some time, he confessed his act.

A police officer working in the homicide division at the time recalled, “The drug addict told us that he jumped from the balcony of his house to his grandmother’s balcony to seek money for the dose. . Knowing the old woman’s schedule, the criminal thought he would not find her in the apartment. But he fell outside… On seeing the 79-year-old woman, he took a knife and stabbed her in the back. “We later found the knife in his house,” continues the police officer.

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In fact, after the murder, the 33-year-old returned to his apartment, changed his clothes and pretended to be asleep in bed, next to his unconscious girlfriend. “When he was telling us all this, he still had traces of the old woman’s blood on his hands,” the homicide officer recalled. During the investigation conducted in the accused’s apartment, seven debit cards were also found. The 33-year-old was convicted and sent to prison after already being marked in drug and weapons-related cases.

During his years in prison, he became acquainted with the alleged leader of the “Revenge Conspiracy”. The group has been accused of being a terrorist organisation.

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