Separation of French with dual citizenship

On questions of economics and the internal political life of France in general That was the focus of yesterday’s televised debate Representatives of the three major political parties contesting the parliamentary elections. They took part in the first televised “clash”. Prime Minister Gabriel Atal For the outgoing president’s majority, Jordan Bardela, of the far-right National Alarm (RN); and coordinator of Insubordinate France (LFI). Manuel Popart, representative of the Left Alliance.

Referring to the question which drives the purchasing power of the French, Prime Minister Atal The government’s target is to reduce household energy prices by 15% by winter next year. Bartella It was in favor of reducing VAT on energy to 5.5% Babar It proposed a price freeze on basic necessities. There was a difference of opinion between Atal and Barthela As for the cost of VAT reduction for the state budget, the first is 17 billion euros and the second is 12 billion euros.

As far as pension is concerned, Both representatives of far-right and left-wing parties spoke In favor of the revision of the reform decided by President Macron a few months ago, As for her issues Atomic energy The dichotomy between right and left is mainly about whether to go beyond nuclear power Promote energy production projects from renewable sources, Bartella appears to be more cautious.

The French Debate: The Battle for Immigration

As for her issues Internal political life The representative of the Left strongly criticized the representative of the extreme right For his remarks on the distinction between the French with only French nationality and those with French and some other nationalities. Bardela has vowed to kick French dual citizens out of some government posts if he becomes prime minister. Marine Le Pen, who is running for president in 2027 with the anti-immigration National Alarm (RN) party, said on Tuesday that these were “few positions, but strategically important” and clarified that a list would be published. It is constantly being modified according to “geopolitical issues”. The exact number of dual citizens in France is unknown, but estimated at 3.3 to 5 million people.

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“Dual citizens are half citizens is the message you send,” Atal said. Bardella commented that his top priority was to drastically reduce immigration flows. “There are millions of French people who don’t recognize the France they grew up in,” he said. Earlier this month, the RN also announced plans to scrap citizenship rights for children born in France and brought up to foreign parents.

Of Italian and Algerian descent, Bobart said of Bardella’s origins: “When your personal ancestors came to France, your political ancestors said the same thing. I am disappointed by all this”.

Contradiction on other topics of discussion

“If the French put their trust in me I will become prime minister of purchasing power,” Bardella promised. And promised VAT cuts and tax breaks for under-30s.

“I am the Prime Minister. The difference with me is that I don’t want to lie to the French. Atal replied Raises the tone. “Jordan Bardella says every time he will magically lower VAT, but without saying how he will finance it”, he added.

Meanwhile, Bober replied to Atal “You are not in a position to talk about economic subjects with your party’s ruling history,” he said.
Atal tried to present himself as the “safeguard of the country”. “If you were trustworthy we wouldn’t be here right now,” Bardella replied.

They watched yesterday’s televised clash More than 5 million French people, another will follow Atal and Barthela will be there again, while he will represent the Left Oliver Faure, leader of the Socialists. However, political analysts opined that the entire debate had “nerves” but none of the three candidates received any difficult question that would put them in a difficult position, while they delivered practically parallel monologues on their programs.

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Atal, 35, and Barthela, 28, are the country’s youngest and most popular politicians. Boppard, 38, does not currently have the same recognition, which is why many have called for Mélenchon to replace him.

French voters head to the polls On June 30 and July 7 Two rounds of early elections were announced by President Macron after his defeat in the recent European elections. Based on the survey The candidacy supported by Le Pen stands at 35%, the Union of the Left at 30% and Macron’s party at 20%.
With these percentages, no party can muster 289 seats for an absolute majority.

Regardless of the outcome, Macron has pledged to remain president until the end of his second term in 2027.

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