Rhode Island Men Arrested in $12.3 Million Retail Theft Scheme

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Written By Richard Perdomo

This news story centers on the arrest of two Rhode Island men, Norman L. Cipriano and Patrick M. Vigneau, for their involvement in a large-scale retail theft operation. The scheme, which netted approximately $12.3 million over several years, involved the theft and resale of goods like cosmetics and over-the-counter drugs. Investigators uncovered more than 60,000 stolen items worth an estimated $1.6 million.

The criminal operation relied on a network of individuals, with boosters stealing targeted items, “fencers” facilitating the removal of labels, and diverters like Cipriano and Vigneau orchestrating the sale of goods through shell companies. These stolen products were sold to smaller retailers and online marketplaces such as eBay, Walmart, and Amazon. Authorities also froze the suspects’ bank and e-commerce accounts as part of the investigation.

Both Cipriano and Vigneau have extensive criminal records and face multiple charges, including conspiracy and money laundering.

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