Protesters died in police firing

Protests against tax hikes in Kenya have resulted in deaths from police bullets and widespread violence.

Protests in Nairobi today against the new tax hike bill turned bloodyThey are popping up in other cities in Kenya Scenes of utter chaos. In the capital, at least five protesters were killed in police firing as a group broke through police barricades trying to enter parliament where a vote on a controversial bill was underway.

Dozens of injured people have been hospitalized after parts of the parliament were set ablaze, according to international media. Reports say some protesters eventually managed to enter the Senate chamber.

Demonstrators are seen carrying a wounded man, who may have received a bullet. Nairobi, Kenya

AP photo

Brian Inganga

The government is deploying the military against violent protests

The Kenyan government announced today It sent the army to help the police deal with the protestsQuoting a Defense Ministry official, the Daily Nation writes.

According to APE-MPE, Defense Minister Aden Bare said the soldiers were deployed to support the police in response to a “security emergency caused by ongoing violent protests” across the country.

Thousands of citizens reportedly protested against the tax bill Activist Emma Obama is former US President Barack Obama’s half-sisterReuters reports, citing CNN.

The police pushed back the protesters from the Parliament building with heavy use of tear gas and repression. The MPs fled through underground tunnels.

The US is closely monitoring the situation in Nairobi and address Call for peace. Officials from Britain, the United States and Germany expressed their deep concern over the violence at the protests and called on all sides to show restraint.

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At the same time, Mr UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said today that Kenya’s police and security forces must maintain control and protesters must remain calm. “It is very important that people’s rights to protest peacefully are respected,” Dujarric said.

Protests are “events that constitute treason”, Kenya’s president says

The The President of Kenya, William RutoIt describes today’s protests as “treason-making events”. ΒΒC.

In a televised address, Rudo declared the protests “coordinated” and warned that their “planners, financiers and orchestras are accomplices of violence and anarchy”.

to Deploying troops across the country, Police forces are on the side“This marks an important turning point in how we respond to such national security threats,” he added.

“Today’s attack has resulted in loss of life, destruction of property and disrespect to institutions,” Ruto pointed out.

Opposition Leader’s appeal for international intervention

Widespread incidents of violence Other towns and cities in Kenya are notable for their number of dogs They are calling for William Ruto to step down.

Kenyan opposition leader Raila Odinga today called for an immediate end to the violence against the protesters and called for dialogue and international intervention, Kenyan news network KTN News reported.

It will be recalled that Rudo won the election about two years ago with the support of the downtrodden Kenyan citizens who form a significant part of his political promises. However, the International Monetary Fund It is putting more and more pressure on the government and the citizens of the country are yet to recover from it Responding to economic shocks It was caused by the epidemic, the war in Ukraine, two years of continuous drought and the devaluation of the hryvnia.

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The country’s parliament approved the tax bill today, advancing it to third reading by representatives. The next step is to send it to the President for his signature. The bill aims to raise an additional $2.7 billion in taxes as part of efforts to reduce Kenya’s heavy debt burden.

Demonstrators are seen carrying a wounded man, who may have received a bullet. Nairobi, Kenya

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