Five university professors say no to online exams

Five university professors (among them the secretary of MERA25, Yanis Varoufakis) are publicizing their decision not to participate in HEIs' online exams, emphasizing both the impossibility of securely certifying students' knowledge and their respect for the decisions of student unions. With online exams, the government is trying to break the encroachment, but further denigrates the public university.

Notification details about five professors:

There are two reasons why we as university students say no to online exams

1. Knowledge cannot be securely certified

The first reason we reject online exams is our educational and academic duty to the society.

As educators, we are committed to certifying students' knowledge of our subjects on behalf of the government and in an impartial manner. But certification of knowledge is not possible through online exams. why; First, neither faculty members nor students have software (eg, Proctor) that ensures that the “letters” we receive are actually typed by students appearing on our screens. Also, even though we have this software, we can't control the environment the candidates are in during the online test (if they are in the same quiet environment, with someone “helping” them next to them).

Indeed, the fact that online exams were conducted during a pandemic is another reason not to repeat a process that, for those of us who have lived through it, know how it humiliated HEIs and destroyed the credibility of rankings.

2. Respecting the collective decisions of student unions

The only outlet the government left for student unions after the enactment of the Private “Universities” Act was aimed solely at breaking government settlements. For this he is recruiting and promoting online exams. “Mitsotakis SA” tries to kill two birds with one stone: on the one hand, it wants to break the occupations, and on the other hand, it undermines the additional bonuses for vandals of public universities. Authenticity of educational process.

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In conclusion, as professors, we feel a duty to resist online exams because they are anti-educational tools that the government puts in service of a more sinister purpose: suppressing all opposition to the privatization of universities.

  • Yanis Varoufakis, EKPA Professor, Secretary MeRA25
  • Nikos Theosarakis, EKPA Professor
  • Alexandra Coronio, Professor, Pontian University
  • Yannis Koussis, Professor, Pantheon University
  • Seraphim Seferiatis, Professor, Pantheon University

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