Fire at Hydra: All 13 arrested arrive at Prayez prosecutor’s office – watch video

At this time, all 13 people arrested in connection with the fire in Hydra’s pine forest appeared before the prosecutor in Piraeus.

All 13 were crew members on a boat sailing in a bay near a pine forest. According to data collected by authorities, the fire appears to have originated from sparks launched from the yacht “Persephone” on Friday night (21/06).

It may be recalled that the said boat was chartered by 17 foreigners who are citizens of Kazakhstan who have left the country.

The operation to capture the “Persephone”, chartered by 17 people from Kazakhstan, is also ongoing.

Team members arrived at the Piraeus public prosecutor’s office wearing sunglasses, a hat and protective masks against the coronavirus.

Watch videos and pictures of the transfer of detainees

The crew of the cruise ship are taken to Prayez’s lawyer

Team members arrived at the Piraeus public prosecutor’s office wearing sunglasses, a hat and protective masks against the coronavirus.

A photo taken since the arrestees were turned over to the Prayez attorney

Two types

Those arrested deny setting off the flares that allegedly ignited the island on Friday night.

According to the disclosure report, there is a difference of opinion between the port authorities and the fire department regarding the cause of the fire. The Coast Guard says no findings were found inside the boat and reports cannot confirm whether the fire started from inside the boat.

The charge against the 13 arrested was based on the testimony of a captain with his boat in a nearby bay who heard a bang and flash but saw no flames.

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300 acres burnt

On Saturday, 13 people were arrested by the fire brigade officials investigating the case.

The fire department brought the fire under control despite the fact that it broke out in a difficult place that was not easily accessible.

“The woman’s lawyer asked to seize the ship in question, to bring in specific passengers and crew, and to see from the reports what they did and what they didn’t do,” Civil Protection Minister Vasilis Kigilias said. , referring to the incident.

He also announced that 300 acres of forest were destroyed in the fire.

As mentioned (open) “According to reports, some private individuals managed to burn 300 acres with firecrackers. We needed 6 air vehicles and two forest commando teams to tackle it, missing forces from other fronts.”

What penalties do those arrested face?

The 13 members of the boat crew could face serious charges because of changes to the punishment for the crime they are accused of by Pires’ prosecutors.

An environmental disaster without death is punishable by up to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to 200,000 euros, which is now considered a crime following changes to the Criminal Code.

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