Babis Stokas: “I’ve made the wrong collaboration like I did with Sakis Rouas”

“People who vote for me will do so because I am an ordinary person outside the political scene. For me, the issue is a humanitarian one, we are passing through an era where numbers “rule”, not the people, I believe in the people”, said the artist about his candidacy in the European elections with Joe Constantopoulou’s party “Bluesy Eleftherias”.

Tragedy in Tempe

“There is a cover-up and an unbelievable attitude towards people who have lost children, and I stand by the relatives of the victims.” With regard to Maria Cristiano in particular, he noted that “she is reacting to the pain inside and the loss of their children, and she does not care about entering politics.” And he added: “Of course some people tried to exploit her fight, it’s bad, we live in a bad way”.

I’ve made bad partnerships

“Like her and Sakis Rouas, we don’t match, we have nothing in common.” “We had a lot of reactions, but we always do our best and we take responsibility for our actions,” he commented, referring to Pyx – Lax’s collaboration with Vassilis Karras.

And he added: “Then we were looking for a popular singer, but instead because he didn’t have a bouzouki, there was a part he didn’t want to say”.

Anna VC and Marina Satti

“I asked Anna Vissi to work together, and she didn’t want to at first. But then she relented. When I told her that I would do the song “And It’s Not Don’ts” with Eleonora, she responded.”

About Marina Sati and Eurovision, he said: “I really liked Marina Sati, the song was good, if not 100% to my taste.”

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He said of himself: “I have always acted instinctively, and I have done more harm to myself than to others. Disobedience is every man’s duty, and woe to us if we only obey. I support disobedience even to my daughter.”

Babis Stogas pointed out about participating in the “X-Factor” program: “None of us artistic and “modern” culturalists go to such programs. I thought about doing it, if I were me, it wouldn’t hurt me.

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