The practicing lawyer alleged that the 69-year-old lawyer assaulted and insulted him

A fresh incident of violence has come to light involving the victim, a 43-year-old prominent lawyer.

A 43-year-old woman, who worked as a trainee lawyer in the office of a 69-year-old man, made the complaint.

However, the woman has filed a complaint alleging that the well-known lawyer is an “accomplice” in the context of domestic violence despite the fact that he is married.

On April 28, ANT1 reported, the woman was in a car with the famous lawyer. That’s when he was attacked. complains the woman The 69-year-old abused her, slapped her and pulled her hair.

A few hours after the incident, the trainee lawyer went to the domestic violence office in Piraeus and filed a complaint with the prosecutor. However, the 69-year-old man was not found during the self-immolation process, so the case went to prosecutors.

A few weeks later, The 43-year-old also slammed the 69-year-old lawyer on social media, He does not speak of a romantic relationship between them, but refers to the employer’s arbitrariness and the April 28 incident.

Responding to her complaints, the 43-year-old’s lawyer sued her for defamation while spreading the word that she had assaulted him.

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