320 days of sun a year: The hottest village in Europe is located in Greece

Almost two decades ago, specifically in 2005, a song was released whose lyrics stated “…it’s not cold in Greece, it’s never been cold.”

And there is a part that confirms what the song says. Being the hottest part of Europe with 320 days of sunshine a year, even for most of the year!

Attributed to the village of Mirtos in Irapetra. Clouds and rain “stay” for about 45 days and Crete is one of the windiest places due to its location.

Subtropical microclimate

Myrtos, a village of 500 permanent residents, is located on the southern Cretan Sea, close to Europe’s southernmost city, Irapetra.

It is worth noting that Mirtos is further south than northern Morocco!

Due to its location, a subtropical microclimate prevails near the coast, while the area is sheltered by the Tikti Mountains in the northwest.

They all want to live there

For the sunshine and the warmest days of the year, many tourists visit Mirtos even in the winter months.

Many citizens of northern European countries book tourist accommodation throughout the winter, choosing to work remotely and enjoy their walks on the beach.

For this reason, the occupancy of Myrtos reaches 100% throughout the year.

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